Safety training
Machinery Safety for Machinery Users
The course aims to teach participants about the following machine safety need-related aspects:- Know the scope and responsibilities of both the manufacturer and the end user with respect to current machinery safety legislation.
Intended for:
Users who handle the reception and acceptance of machinery.- The course is suitable for technical personnel, project managers, safety personnel, etc., with responsibilities in the process of taking delivery of a machine from a manufacturer.
Some examples of the course contents are shown below:Contents / agenda
Day1(8H):- Directives and Royal Decrees.
- Standards.
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Work equipment R.D. 1215/97.
Safety-related parts of control systems EN 13849 part 1
- EN ISO 13857 Safety of machinery. Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs.
- EN ISO 13855, Safety of machinery. Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body.
- How to ensure that the manufacturer delivers a machine that conforms to standards?.
- How can I keep the CE marking throughout the useful life of the machine?.
Each student will receive a paper dossier of the course contents, in A4 colour and in Spanish.A certificate of attendance will be issued.
The speakers will be engineers specialising in machinery safety from the company i9s, S.A.
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